We all know that Placer County is rich with history. Every town that has carved out a niche has transformed itself into a growing community that embraces the past, but moves forward with the future. If you look at the restaurants, diners, and yes, dives, that have once called Placer […]
More Ghost Stories in Placer County
After the response from last week’s blog, we decided to do some more research about ghostly sightings in Placer County. The old Pearson’s Soda Works, now known as the Cozmic Café, is one of the oldest buildings in Placerville with mine tunnels under the building that are still in use […]
Ghostly Sightings in Newcastle
Placer County certainly does have a rich history, including those who just don’t want to leave, even after they have passed on. The previous owners of Constable Jacks in Newcastle knew that there were strange goings on, but since new owner, Mike Antuzzi has been resurrecting the old building he […]
Placer County and Old Town Auburn
Placer County is full of well-kept historical secrets that are sometimes difficult, if not impossible to uncover, but thanks to some intense research, Placer Living has discovered some little known facts about the area. Known as, “Gold Country,” Placer County was established as a county in April 1845 and is […]

Folsom and its Humble Beginnings
When I first started researching the old gold mining towns in Northern California, I had no idea that there were so many, especially in Placer County. Most of those towns and settlements are nothing but memories and ghost towns from the past, but thankfully, there are a few that remain. […]
Forgotten Mining Camps in Placer County
Last week I talked about Mormon Island and a bit about the area, but didn’t get a chance to share what I’ve learned about some of the other little mining camps that were in the area during the Gold Rush. Negro Bar was one of those mining camps, and one […]
The Rich History of Dutch Flat
I just love living in Placer County. There is so much history in our beautiful county, especially during the 1800’s. Some of the little towns that existed during the Gold Rush are just a memory, while others are still thriving. One of my favorite little places, Dutch Flat, is near […]